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Writer's pictureElena Sophocleous


Updated: Oct 10, 2020

Are you suffering with depression? Is someone you love suffering with depression?

Maybe you know someone that is heavily medicated on antidepressants and they have been on their meds for a while but they still seem to be suffering, there isn’t really much improvement.

I have been there and I know how lonely, scary and desperate depression can make someone. I’ve been in a dark place myself and I have unfortunately had to watch a loved one be tormented for years by Depression. It is someone very close to me so I have lived the experience firsthand.

The nights that seem endless, the mornings that are even more frightening – when they are weak, the body seems almost lifeless, paralyzed, not being able to get them out of bed. They stop smiling. They lose faith, hope and they are scared and lonely. It doesn’t really make a difference if you there or not, they still feel so alone!

I remember sitting on a chair for 9 months next to my loved one. Day and night they just looked into space. She hated how she felt. She hated herself for having us see her in that condition. She was ashamed, in pain, full of fear. She prayed and begged for it to stop. We all did!! The whole family was suffering. She was heavily medicated and there was no improvement. We got other opinions from other doctors and no one recommended something new.

Although we live in a time that there are so many easier ways of living, many more comforts there seems to be so much more sadness and so much more loneliness. Depression is unfortunately the “disease” of our time. It kills more people than cancer and it ruins families and relationships daily.

Many people suffer alone believing that life is punishing them and others feel that there is no way out so they just give up. There are always tools and techniques we can learn to help ourselves. To calm ourselves down, mentally and physically. Tools and techniques we can learn and teach the people we love. These are important for us all to know for our own wellbeing.

It is important we all know our strengths and abilities. We all need to build our own mental muscle and trust me when I say most people grow a belief of how powerless they are. If we train our brains to identify and believe the very opposite within us, the tough times that occur in life can be tolerated.

You find the strength to stand on your own two feet and you find the courage to fight. You fight for your mental and physical health because you know it is available to you. We only stop fighting for things because we think they are impossible to have.

We have the ability to be as happy as we want to be. Self-awareness and self-love can give you the ability to see things for what they are and once you are able to do that you can change the blue print of how you thought life should be. We tend to suffer when we believe that we are missing something in life. Maybe we had it and now we don’t or maybe we never managed to achieve it.

Sadness, pain and suffering is created when we keep thinking life should be different to how it is. When we refuse to accept what is and when we refuse to create new plans to adjust to -a new way of living – whatever that is-whatever the circumstances. It is the non-acceptance of what is. The lack of faith and trust that there is a higher power that does work in your benefit. When we feel that we are responsible for everything and that we need to control all the details of every situation in our lives, life can be scary, exhausting and too much to bare.

Fear can be turned into faith, pain into passion and less into more!

There is a different way of living and it is available to us all!

Fear can be turned into faith, pain into passion and less into more!

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