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Affirmations are positive statements that can help you to change and overcome self-sabotaging negative thoughts.

An affirmation needs to be repeated often enough until the statement begins to feel more real. To begin with it may feel as an ambitious thought but with time the positive statement begins to feel more possible, possible to create. You begin to see opportunities and ways of how change may come along.

A thought is just a thought

By repeating a positive affirmation and combining it with your physiology and your focus you suddenly bring about change.

Affirmations begin with  “ I am…” Use the present tense and make it brief but specific.

The power of directing our minds into a positive state, with the help of giving it an image we want is extremely powerful. The mind cannot tell the difference between a true or false image (reality/thought), however your energy and vibration aligns with what it sees so choose wisely an uplifting image to replace a stressful or frantic one.

“Fears are merely thoughts and thoughts can be changed”.


 Journaling can be effective for many reasons. It can help you reach a wide range of goals.

Firstly it is an easy way of clearing your head and making important connections between thoughts, feelings and behaviors.

It can help dramatically in increasing mental health.                    

When journaling you are really having a relationship with your mind. Writing a journal isn’t you just putting some words on a page. You actually enter a state of creativity and the expansion of it can be cathartic and it can make a big difference in your daily wellbeing.

Our thoughts often rotate and when stressed and overwhelmed we may actually feel confused or overloaded thought wise.

To write is to release – to let go of, to acknowledge and to create awareness. All of the above when repeated often enough can create a ripple effect of freedom, growth and eventually power.

Being able to acknowledge unhealthy patterns and thoughts can be much more powerful than one may think. It allows us to take control of our lives and put things in perspective.  It can help us shift from a negative mindset to a more positive one and we can set healthier goals and create better actions plans for ourselves.


Crystals work with the energy centers (chakras) in the body to remove energy blockages and heal the body, mind, and spirit. Our energy drastically influences our health, and since healing crystal jewelry resonates with and improves the energy in our body, crystals can help us lead healthier happier lives

Crystals and stones are all around us as an all-important component of everyday life. It has been discovered that each stone has a story to tell and a subtle energy to generate in the lives of those who use them. 

If one is sensitive to the stone and the energy it holds, each stone will offer a healing and mood-enhancing benefit that can enrich the life of each individual who wears it.

Stones and crystals are a great way to recharge yourself.

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